Monday, November 21, 2011
Weekly Challenge Point #1
Once I begin this challenge I will feel lost because everyday I get on facebook and spend so much time on it and I don't even realize I am on it. Like once I see that I have a message or a notification or even a friend request I automatically begin looking at their pictures and making sure it somebody i know. Its not once i will only check and see do I have a message, friend request, and a notification and log out because it is so hard logging off. Many times I would be like am logging off because Ihave to do my homework and I end up not logging off put I still have a tab up with my homework but don't really be feel like doing it because I cant have facebook and homework pulled up at the same time. But I will definitely learn from this experience because not have facebook and twitter to be on to talk to my friends is going to be hard because its like the easy way to get in contact with them.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Free Speech
I believe their should be a law that people shouldn't have the write to say on the internet. I think this because you never know what somebody is going though and you never should try to get somebody out of their character because they made you mad or you trying to hurt their feelings i think it best that you should talk to them in person or just don't say anything at all because people are really putting their bossiness on social networks and people are also getting their feelings hurt because of other people opinions to what they think of a situation.
Theroy of Evolution
The "Theory of evolution" change how people think about the theory.People had not believe in the theory because Darwin's theory was saying that people looks comes from their parents they called it genes.People had took the evolution wrong people did want to believe this because they said its against their religion to believe that this theory is true .Darwin's theory was a challenge creation about were people had hot their looks from.
New Invention in Society
Did you ever realize how inventions change how we live today?Well, today we have many inventions that have been made throughout history that change how we live .For example the theory of evolution change how people thougt about the theory they were against it. Also how the telephone help change how people communicate .The radio is also significant because without the radio people wouldn't be to enjoy listening to the music they use to listen and listen to today.All the inventions that were made advance technology and helped people live better.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Diseases Across the World
Across the world their are many diseases that are being spread and passed though many people.The most disease and virus I know that is being passed though as I speak is STD,AIDS, and HIV. All three of these disease are being tested everyday to people that are not expecting to have them but do have them because either they are don't use protection or has already have it though their passing of their off spring from their parents. Many people are suffering though these diseases everyday and don't even know that they have theses diseases.Theses diseases sometime can be cure but not all can be cure. everyday people try to fight off theses virus by taking all of theses medicine that make your feel drowsy and worst than you really is.
Teens bad habits
Teens habits are increasing everyday examples are drug addiction,texting, social network,food habits and dangerous driving habits.Well in the past and throughout history For bad habits for teens have been bad but it have became a bad influence to younger students. The most habit I believe is drug addiction everyday a teen trys something new and they believe that smoking will change their way of thinking about what ever they are going though will relief the stress so they smoke or drink until they feel that the stress is gone. Many also, spend most of their time on the internet for many hours not knowing what time they are going to start their homework and what time they are planning to get off. Most of the time it is either tweeting or instant messaging. Internet is really making us lose focus on our work. Many people say that we are losing our knowledge and our energy on internet. and spending most of your time in front of the computer can be very unhealthy for young kids and teenagers. Texting have been a habit because many people text instead of calling because its much faster for a response I believe so because most people refer texting instead of calling most of the time.but I also realize that texting help our speed of typing.Over time teens habits have been a big pat of how we spend most of our time on and i relize that some these things are not healthy spending most of our time in front of the computer or even giving our bodies something that will even hurt us in the outside and the inside.
What Makes Us Human?
Have you ever wondered what makes us human? In the past in history we learn how Islam was created to fix the income Gap between two divisions rich and the poor also how Confucius the Chinese philosopher help change their way of thinking and their morals for society behavior.So my answer what makes us human ? Are Religion and Belief systems how people interact to make society and people better?
To answer the question what make us human is first grow Islam in 610A.D where Muhammad had receives the revelation. from Allah while praying in Mecca.The income Gap is a system were the rich and the poor were arguing and fighting because they needed to find the answer towards life.Arabs communities around trade routes.In communities some became very poor.but not everyone agree on my opinion because everybody have their own religion and opinon.
In Conclusion, to answer the question what makes us human analyze what other people may think though their own philosophy and how they feel.Their people may think the way we think connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. and how we communicate though our social life and how we evolved from homo sapiens to human beings. Even people have their own way of thinking how they feel about what makes us humans?
To answer the question what make us human is first grow Islam in 610A.D where Muhammad had receives the revelation. from Allah while praying in Mecca.The income Gap is a system were the rich and the poor were arguing and fighting because they needed to find the answer towards life.Arabs communities around trade routes.In communities some became very poor.but not everyone agree on my opinion because everybody have their own religion and opinon.
In Conclusion, to answer the question what makes us human analyze what other people may think though their own philosophy and how they feel.Their people may think the way we think connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. and how we communicate though our social life and how we evolved from homo sapiens to human beings. Even people have their own way of thinking how they feel about what makes us humans?
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Confucianism and Buddhism influence Chinese Society
I have read this artricle about confuciam and budiusm how they are similar and different.How both are religions that teaches about life .Confucianism and buddhism are influence Chinese society by teaching the concepts that are similar but not the same.confucianism and buddhism is to teach how people should treat other.Confucianism is how taught people to change their live better with good morals and a good life.Buddhism is a teaching that is a philsophy that answers the question whats the meaning of life?Buddhism combine with Confucianism to create social political and econmic and stability in China .Often, People belive that Buddhism and Confucianism is a region but what i have learn both Confucianism and Buddhism is a philospher that teaches about how people shouls change their lives.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Minor tax issue takes up hill turn in Congress
For the past few years many people have been very unhappy to how they are living because of the economic throughout the history many people have been laid off because of the lack of money. They have to pay people I have heard that many people are becoming very poor and have to live with family members so the they can have somewhere to stay until they are edge able for a job. Many people's family have been geting the low amount of money that they are not earning the money that's not even close to the salary to what they should have.
The econmic has been i big part of how people are suffering and having to face major obstacles that are making them suffer.Because I have seen it happen last year when i was in the 9th grade I had lost two techers and my counselor our director of academics had told us their wasn't enough money down in the government office for those teachers to get paid. We had ask was this planned head of time they had said that their was a notice before but they didn't explain how many or who really was going to be gone. The article i have just read had explain that 86-90 teachers in Detroit were laid off but later called back to work because of the complaining of the students and parents.The number of student pass because of the number of teachers that had been called back to work.They had tryed a new method to put students in 15 or 17 students for the student to focus on what they were learning in that particular subject.
The econmic has been i big part of how people are suffering and having to face major obstacles that are making them suffer.Because I have seen it happen last year when i was in the 9th grade I had lost two techers and my counselor our director of academics had told us their wasn't enough money down in the government office for those teachers to get paid. We had ask was this planned head of time they had said that their was a notice before but they didn't explain how many or who really was going to be gone. The article i have just read had explain that 86-90 teachers in Detroit were laid off but later called back to work because of the complaining of the students and parents.The number of student pass because of the number of teachers that had been called back to work.They had tryed a new method to put students in 15 or 17 students for the student to focus on what they were learning in that particular subject.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
How Technlogy Change the World
Today's history technology change though many different technology including cell phones , computers, ipads and tablets. In the article I have read they gave 5 resources that help improve our technology. This technology is not only helpful for children people but it is helpful for everybody because in the article it explains how they lower the prices to make the resources useful for the rich and the poor.These resources are helping people to become more closer by commucating better and they are also making it easy for the people that cannot afford expensive phones they lower the prices to make the people that are not able to afford .
Some new technology is bought to school to invest in children learning in school to make learning more fun and interesting. Many other technology is here to explore new things using ipads to tweet and message people on Facebook. Many technology are introduced to younger children to give them a better understanding to make learning fun and wanting to learn. New technology is very helpful but can be unhealthy too.In the article I read explains how the BWI is making technology more cheaper.The government is hoping that will reduce the digital divide between the rich and poor meaning sharing and exchanging things you share on the internet.Technology just don't change though music electronics like iPods technology change.
In conclusion inventions and technology has been a big part in history and how it played a big part as its a resources for children to enjoying learning with electronic and having the chance to use electronic devices while they are young.
Some new technology is bought to school to invest in children learning in school to make learning more fun and interesting. Many other technology is here to explore new things using ipads to tweet and message people on Facebook. Many technology are introduced to younger children to give them a better understanding to make learning fun and wanting to learn. New technology is very helpful but can be unhealthy too.In the article I read explains how the BWI is making technology more cheaper.The government is hoping that will reduce the digital divide between the rich and poor meaning sharing and exchanging things you share on the internet.Technology just don't change though music electronics like iPods technology change.
In conclusion inventions and technology has been a big part in history and how it played a big part as its a resources for children to enjoying learning with electronic and having the chance to use electronic devices while they are young.
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Famous Smith Family (Jada(mother)Will(Father)Jaden(Son)Willow(Daughter)

"If you don't have a purpose for your relationship, if you don't have a place that you're going, something that you want to accomplish, something that you want to do, you can really get lost in the murk of the journey," Will says.the meaning to this quote is saying their should be a meaning to why you are living and that if you do have purpose of why you are in this world than you should accomplish what you are willing to do and you should start it early because if you start it late than you will get kind of lost on your way their of completing your dreams.He also says that their have to be a vision of why they family are together.he is saying you must have a vision in order to have a dream.Will Smith had said what are we going to cooperate in order for Willow and Jaden dream come true as well they wanted their family to be a business family so they decided that they have to create a place where there dream was going to come true as well.Will and Jada explains that they want their children to be something they didn't want them working for anybody else like slaves and working he also explains to them that their parents are rich and they are poor.Will also explains to them that their Mommy and Daddy are rich and they broke he says that he talks to them about the concepts of their family and how their family are built to they way they are now. He also teaches his kids it not all about the money you make its about what you really want to do.In this article even though this is a rich family and they have big things to come this article teach me if you are willing to do something and you really want to do it you should do it because holding your self back is going to make you get lose in the vision that you want to complete and I also learn that it is not always about the money it is if you really want to do it.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Brandon Flectcher
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Urlacher Leaves the Bears to be with his family after death of his mother
Urlancher had played for the bears as their Linebacker until a Monday he had found out his 51 year old moth had passed. Urlancher had decided to gho home to be with his family.Urlancher have been with the bears since 2008 and he didnt expect such ashockingh happen to him so fast. he had recalled that he called his mother his heart.The team explains they are keepin his family in their prayers. But that is a such shockingh for him to get a call saying that his mother has passed.
9/11 Tragedy forever changed us in many ways
In this article it explains how the event 9/11 is a part of change and not only it change how security it change how safety is organize.I mean at ballparks people bags are getting check and being pat down to search for any weapons or unusual this change how security is and how we have less freedom of carrying this in our baggage.This 9/11 have like turn our nation into a "Fog of war" New York Of news explains.I think Fog Of War means a term of how chaos of battles like wars interact..The Article also explains how the killing of 9/11 Osama Bin Laden was victory towards America and everybody else because they were looking for him for a long time and they finally caught him.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Who are you? My name is De’Ja Woodland What are your interests?My interests is cheering and gymnastics. What you hope to gain out of blogging? i hope to gain more about how to blog and how to work this siteWhat do you intend to write about?i am going to write about how the nine eleven affecting how the sercuity is now at the airport and how the nine eleven change things at the airport. What is intimidating about blogging? I am intimidating about blogging because of sometime I would not like know what can I post about the subject and I got to keep in mindful that I have to be organize.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Who are you? My name is De’Ja WoodlandWhat are your interests?My interests is cheering and gymnastics. What you hope to gain out of blogging? i hope to gain more about how to blog and how to work this siteWhat do you intend to write about?i am going to write about how the nine eleven affecting how the sercuity is now at the airport and how the nine eleven change things at the airport. What is intimidating about blogging? I am intimidating about blogging because of sometime I would not like know what can I post about the subject and I got to keep in mindful that I have to be organize.
President Obama Tells Gay Teens It Gets Better
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