Wednesday, September 7, 2011

President Obama Tells Gay Teens It Gets Better

The term Don’t Ask , and Don’t tell policy is a term that explain how if you serve in the military is a law that you shouldn’t ask or tell you sexual orientation under any circumstances and the article i just read “President Obama Tells Gay Teens Its Gets Better” are similar  because they both show its okay you have your own chose of your sexual orinetation. In the video Obama expresses his feeling about young teens that are getting bullied because of their sexual orientation.Obama also express how he feel about young teens that are getting bullied everyday because of who they are he says that you shouldn’t care what people do to you you should care about the people that actually love you and care for you because all those people that want to hurt you don’t have no respect for there self and for other people. My reflection of how this topic affect me is sometime I witness somebody getting bullied because how they carry themselves or even is gay I only wish that people had respect for themselves and people that’s around them.Because people that are getting bullied everyday or even have been bullied can easy shut down because how every time they get push around and beaten down makes them feel like they don’t belong in this world so that’s why most of time they kill themselves because its easier for them to deal with the pain to themselves other that dealing with getting bullied everyday.

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