Monday, October 31, 2011

Teens bad habits

Teens habits are increasing everyday examples are drug addiction,texting, social network,food habits and dangerous driving habits.Well in the past and throughout history For bad habits for teens have been bad but it have became a bad influence to younger students. The most habit I believe is drug addiction everyday a teen trys something new and they believe that smoking will change their way of thinking about what ever they are going though will relief the stress so they smoke or drink until they feel that the stress is gone. Many also, spend most of their time on the internet for many hours not knowing what time they are going to start their homework and what time they are planning to get off. Most of the time it is either tweeting or instant messaging. Internet is really making us lose focus on our work. Many people say that we are losing our knowledge and our energy on internet. and spending most of your time in front of the computer can be very unhealthy for young kids and teenagers. Texting have been a habit because many people text instead of calling because its much faster for a response I believe so because most people refer texting instead of calling most of the time.but I also realize that texting help our speed of typing.Over time teens habits have been a big pat of how we spend most of our time on and i relize that some these things are not healthy spending most of our time in front of the computer or even giving our bodies something that will even hurt us in the outside and the inside.

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