Sunday, October 30, 2011

Confucianism and Buddhism influence Chinese Society

I have read this artricle about confuciam and budiusm how they are similar and different.How both are religions that teaches about life .Confucianism and buddhism are influence Chinese society by teaching the concepts that are similar but not the same.confucianism and buddhism is to teach how people should treat other.Confucianism is how taught people to change their live better with good morals and a good life.Buddhism is a teaching that is a philsophy that answers the question whats the meaning of life?Buddhism combine with Confucianism to create social political and econmic and stability in China .Often, People belive that Buddhism and Confucianism is a region but what i have learn both Confucianism and Buddhism is a philospher that teaches about how people shouls change their lives.

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