Thursday, January 12, 2012


1. Imagine you have just finished your first year of college what are specific elements of high school life are you missing?
The specific high school life that I am missing is how I use to socialize with my friends and not geting my work done and how i use to talk to my teacher about how I can make my work up.
2. Reflect back on all of your blog posts - which was your best critical analysis and in depth piece? What about this topic will stick with you?
My best critical analysis was how i describe the HIV and Aids disease and how it spreads to a lot of people across the world. My in depth piece is the one I had did on 9/11. the thing about this topic that will stick with me is the one on Facebook how I am 70% addicted to Facebook.
3. Do you think that blogging is something that you will continue to do after this class - why/why not?
I don't think  blogging is something that I will do after this class because I am bad at blogging its hard for me to think of topics that are very important. 
4. Now that you are a critical consumer of news and a literate social media consumer & creator -  how are you going to be an ambassador for social, professional and also academic digital life?
Now that I am a critical consumer of news and a literate social media consumer and creator I am going to ambassador for social , professional and also academic digital life by telling others what I have learn and I am going to teach others what I have learn.
5. What are biggest issues surrounding the digital divide? That is what disconnects or prevents people from engaging in the use of digital technology to better their lives. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX. What steps can you take yourself to begin to bridge that divide and connect people using technology?

The biggest issues surrounding the digital divide is how people use it and how its advance for people to use.This is what prevents people from engaging in the use of digital technology to better our lives.The steps that I can take to begin to bridge that divide and connects people using technology is to first geting people to join and telling those people that join to invite more people and then start to make the technology advance so more people can interact.
6. The unofficial name of this course is "online media literacy" - what do you think this means? Why is it necessary to be literate in our ever-growing online social world?
I think that "Online media literacy" means a structure of internet that is being use for your understanding.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Weekly Challenge Point #1

Once I begin this challenge I will feel lost because everyday I get on facebook and spend so much time on it and I don't even realize I am on it. Like once I see that I have a message or a notification or even a friend request I automatically begin looking at their pictures and making sure it somebody i know. Its not once i will only check and see do I have a message, friend request, and a notification and log out because it is so hard logging off. Many times I would be like am logging off because Ihave to do my homework and I end up not logging off put I still have a tab up with my homework but don't really be feel like doing it because I cant have facebook and homework pulled up at the same time. But I will definitely learn from this experience because not have facebook and twitter to be on to talk to my friends is going to be hard because its like the easy way to get in contact with them.      

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Free Speech

I believe their should be a law that people shouldn't have the write to say on the internet. I think this because you never know what somebody is going though and you never should try to get somebody out of their character because they made you mad or you trying to hurt their feelings i think it best that you should talk to them in person or just don't say anything at all because people are really putting their bossiness on social networks and people are also getting their feelings hurt because of other people opinions to what they think of a situation.

Theroy of Evolution

The "Theory of evolution" change how people think about the theory.People had not believe in the theory because Darwin's theory was saying that people looks comes from their parents they  called it genes.People had took the evolution wrong people did want to believe this because they said its against their religion to believe that this theory is true .Darwin's theory was a challenge creation about were people had hot their looks from.

New Invention in Society

Did you ever realize how inventions change how we live today?Well, today we have many inventions that have been made throughout history that change how we live .For example the theory of evolution change how people thougt about the theory they were against it. Also how the telephone help change how people communicate .The radio is also significant because without the radio people wouldn't be to enjoy listening to the music they use to listen and listen to today.All the  inventions that were made advance technology and helped people live better.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Diseases Across the World

Across the world their are many diseases that are being spread and passed though many people.The most disease and virus I know that is being passed though as I speak is STD,AIDS, and HIV. All three of these disease are being tested everyday to people that are not expecting to have them but do have them because either they are don't use protection or has already have it though their passing of their off spring from their parents. Many people are suffering though these diseases everyday and don't even know that they have theses diseases.Theses diseases sometime can be cure but not all can be cure. everyday people try to fight off theses virus by taking all of theses medicine that make your feel drowsy and worst than you really is.

Teens bad habits

Teens habits are increasing everyday examples are drug addiction,texting, social network,food habits and dangerous driving habits.Well in the past and throughout history For bad habits for teens have been bad but it have became a bad influence to younger students. The most habit I believe is drug addiction everyday a teen trys something new and they believe that smoking will change their way of thinking about what ever they are going though will relief the stress so they smoke or drink until they feel that the stress is gone. Many also, spend most of their time on the internet for many hours not knowing what time they are going to start their homework and what time they are planning to get off. Most of the time it is either tweeting or instant messaging. Internet is really making us lose focus on our work. Many people say that we are losing our knowledge and our energy on internet. and spending most of your time in front of the computer can be very unhealthy for young kids and teenagers. Texting have been a habit because many people text instead of calling because its much faster for a response I believe so because most people refer texting instead of calling most of the time.but I also realize that texting help our speed of typing.Over time teens habits have been a big pat of how we spend most of our time on and i relize that some these things are not healthy spending most of our time in front of the computer or even giving our bodies something that will even hurt us in the outside and the inside.